TIMS Membership

TIMS membership is renewed annually. You can become a member of TIMS in a number of categories:

Individual membership: Any adult of good standing may become a member. (Annual fee = $10/year)

Family membership: is available for two adults of good standing and dependent children. Each family has one vote. (Annual fee = $15/year)

Group Membership: Not-for-profit community groups and Associations who are aligned with TIMS’ aims and values. Wherever these rules specify membership voting rights (such as elections or when serving on committees), organisational members, like individuals, only receive one vote. (Annual fee is dependent on the size of the group and the type and events they hold each year.)

Corporate membership: Businesses and corporations who are aligned with TIMS’ aims and values and wish to support TIMS. Corporate members may advertise their membership and support for the Association and may participate in all events and the Annual General Meeting, but do not receive a vote.

Lifetime Honorary Member: TIMS may confer a Lifetime Honorary membership as a recognition of the member’s contribution to the Association. Each member has one vote.

Affiliate member: TIMS may invite applications for eligible persons or organisations to be granted affiliate status as a recognition of their partnership, services and friendship with the Association. Affiliates do not have membership rights and do not receive a vote.